
Grandmother Cottonwood  offers spiritual healing and guidance.  All her ideas are channeled through Betty.    GCW wishes to provide a fresh perspective to humans on what are often thought of as problems, obstacles and dilemmas, and to share a tree’s eye view of the inner workings of nature.

If you have a question for GCW, click on the “leave a comment” link and go from there. Your questions and comments are welcome!  Only your initials and general location will be used when your question is answered.

GCW and friend

Grandmother Cottonwood is a magnificent double trunked tree growing on the wooded margin of a large open meadow near Ames, Iowa. During my training as a shamanic healer and medium, I learned to open my awareness to the spirits in all things. As my powers of listening and observation became more acute, the loving presence of the tree; her very real personality became apparent.

She began to communicate with me, and made it clear that she wanted me to be her voice and her means of spreading spiritual healing, love, and empowerment. One morning in December of 2014, I woke up with the idea for this blog. 

In June 2020, Grandmother Cottonwood was cut down to the ground for unknown reasons. This saddens me deeply. Even though her magnificent Earthly tree self is gone, her abiding spirit continues to speak, so we will continue this blog.

Grandmother Cottonwood fresh stump

About Betty…

I am a shamanic healer, energy healer, and artist.  To find out how shamanic healing and energy healing help you, or to schedule a healing session, please visit my website shamanichealingofames.com


3 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear GCW,
    I passed by you on an early morning bike ride this morning with a friend. We stopped as I pointed you out. She wondered how old you might be while she admired your beauty and history. xo

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