Lift Your Voice

Here is a daily practice for connecting your purpose with the web of life.

Begin by sending your energetic roots deep into the earth and ground yourself. Bring your awareness to your heart, take a few deep breaths through the center of your chest, and reach your arms toward divine light.

Now, ask spirit what work is being called through you today. This will be your true work, not mundane tasks or chores on your to do list, but something deeper and more meaningful. This will be work that energizes you, satisfies your spirit, lifts you and others up.

Now, with your voice, using drums, rattles, bowls, or other sound instruments, describe the work you are called to do. Speak, sing, let your body and the space around you be filled with the vibrations of the sound your create as you lift your voice to the heavens.

Let the sound of your voice rise up and join with the web of life. You are sending the frequency of your wishes and dreams, your unique offerings into the universe.

The frequencies you create rise up and join with the web of life, affecting the vast network of energetic filaments in unique patterns and ripples. As you do this practice, you are creating and inviting new possibilities, healing rifts in the fabric of life, focusing your mind body spirit and emotions on the work that only you can offer, creating new connections in the web of life.

As you send your hopes intentions and dreams into the web of life and receive guidance from spirit, you strengthen build and rebuild the network connecting all living beings.

Spring Renewal

According to the calendar, the stars and the angle of the sun, the waking and greening life all over the northern hemisphere, spring is here. The Earth wakes finally from her long winter’s nap.

Nature supports your movement toward renewal and restoration during this season of growth and expansion.

Spring is the time to remove those impediments that have kept you from living fully and from enjoying life fully. Now’s the time to let the energy of your life flow freely.

Early spring robin

Remove or change what is bothersome, old, ugly, broken, cluttered, or unused in your surroundings and in your life if you can. Find new colors to live with, new arrangements of objects, give away those things you no longer find joy in.

This is the time to refresh dirty paint, replace threadbare clothes with dull and faded colors, fix and mend broken or scratched surfaces.

It is time to renew and restore the weed choked garden, to haul away last year’s dead leaves, to create compost from the old matter that will feed and nourish new growth. It is time to plant seeds and watch the miracle of their development throughout the growing season.

Now’s the time to explore new interests you’ve been putting off, allowing yourself the luxury of new creative ideas, new projects that will excite and enthuse you.

It’s time to refresh, renew, and clear the decks for the life that is waiting to be born through you.

A word about choices

All humans are given countless opportunities throughout life. Each requires that you make choices.

You are given free will to choose your path, to step into the light, to make the first move toward healing and wholeness for yourself, to make amends for mistakes, to develop your talents and skills, to reach out in friendship, to take a chance on your dreams.

Robin in early spring

You choose whether to smile at another or turn away. To speak kindly or destroy another with words, to hide behind walls or come out into the sunshine, to take a chance on your dreams or give up on yourself, to reach out for help or tough out your problems alone, without support. You have the freedom to choose whether to speak up when you witness injustice or be silent

There is no escape from the responsibility of making choices large and small each and every day. As human beings the quality and direction of your experience depends on your choices.

In this way, you create your life.

Earth and Spirit

As 2 legged beings, you have no physical roots to anchor you to the Earth as plants and trees have. You have the freedom and the free will to choose the path you walk upon this Earth. You have the ability to change course, to choose a new direction.

The ability to choose your course wisely in life increases as you connect with both Earth and Spirit. Some think the two realms are mutually exclusive. That belief will harm you and cause you to be less than you can be! You do not have to choose one or the other. You can live fully in your body while allowing your spirit to guide you.

This is what it means to be fully human.

Your challenge is to live in your body, immersed in your physical life, knowing the joys, pleasures, and sorrows of the body within its temporary life span, while at the same time, knowing the presence of your indestructible spirit that precedes and underlies your physical existence.

Tiny feather in winter

Your body connects you to the earth for your sustenance, your survival, your human experience which instructs your spirit. It anchors your spirit in time and space as roots anchor a tree.

Your spirit guides your physical being with love and increasing wisdom from lifetime to lifetime. It helps you remember lessons you’ve learned in the past and helps you know your gifts and use them wisely.

You can bridge both worlds and live both in the heady realm of spirit and the earthy realm of the body. You will get better at it the longer you live and the more you ask for integration. Living this way is an unfolding process of discovery.

Like a tree fully alive from root to crown, drawing in nourishment from the Earth and light from the heavens, you are creating one beautiful and fully integrated whole.

A New Day

A new day lightens the sky in the east. This is life giving you another opportunity to start fresh. Life allows you the time to reevaluate and renew your life, to grow into the person your spirit calls you to become.

Nature’s rhythms show that you can begin again after setbacks and illness, after disappointments and sorrows. Spring follows winter without fail. The moon cycles through her phases each month. Storms roar through the valley pushing much old growth to the ground, leaving food and light for new life to reach to the sun.

A tree cut off at the ground will sent up suckers reaching for the light. Tender new grass appears after a prairie fire. Green shoots of crocus push through the melting snow in March. The world greens and leafs out finally after a hard winter softens into a joyful spring.

You too after the fires, storms or winters of life have passed may send forth green shoots, leaves, and blossoms and renew yourself. This may look and feel like new energy flowing through your veins, new ideas and creative projects, new vibrancy, a renewed sense of humor and playfulness…passion for life.

The sun will rise again and you will have another day to move toward becoming who you are at the level of your soul, to choose a new thought that supports you in place of the old stale thoughts, to choose a different pattern of being, to tune yourself to a more pleasant feeling, to take the first small step to realizing your dreams.

Of course, patience is your friend as these changes take time and attention and perseverance. Trust and give yourself the grace to accept yourself as you are while at the same time moving toward the new way of being that you desire.

Open your heart to this most amazing gift of a new day.

It is Time!

You who are alive at this moment in time, those who are called to live here upon this Earth – You are needed now more than ever to be at the top of your game, to keep yourself clear of emotional clutter and baggage, to be clear and open channels for spirit for the specific gifts and talents you bring to this place and time, the home your spirit has chosen for you.

All who can, this is the time to stand tall in the light of the divine. This is the time to root deeply to our home, the Earth.

Grandmother Cottonwood

This is the time to hold your ground, maintain your light, keep yourselves attuned to the frequencies of life. This is the time to know your truth and live by it.

This is the time to love and cherish every breath, every beat of your heart. This is the time to access the power deep within yourself. This is the time to open to those beloved people in your life and love them with your whole heart, leaving judgment behind.

This life of the spirit is a mystery. There is no beginning, no end. While your spirit inhabits your body, there is only the river of now in which you have the power to act.

Grandmother Cottonwood

It is time to surrender to spirit’s plan for you, to cease any dithering and get to work!

It is time to dedicate yourself to the flow of inspiration and energy that is drawn through your being and create our world anew.

Time to rebuild

So much has been lost this year, so much destroyed by wild fire, high winds, furious storms, a deadly pandemic. Now it is time to rebuild and create new lives from the ashes.

Grandmother Cottonwood

Will you rebuild on the same models, in the same places with the same materials, the same ideas? Will you stay with what worked in the past?

Take into account all that has changed as you plan to create and rebuild. Sands shift, weather and climate change, fires and winds roar through, people die, babies are born. Rebuild and recreate your new reality that is now.

You are called to embrace the present moment and the coming moment and the next and the next. You are called to be flexible and resilient. You are called to stay relevant to your own life,

You are called to take the time to mourn what has been and let it go, to face the present and future with eyes open. Can you do this with resolve? Can you do this without preconceived notions of what should be?

Where there is destruction and damage in your life can you rebuild, renew, and restore to a newer and better present? When your creations no longer serve you can you let them go with grace, move on, clear out, rebuild life from the ground up, one brick, one stone at a time?

What feels like destruction? Leaving a longtime relationship, moving to a new town, losing a loved one or a job, losing your home, injury, disease, accident …

These destructive events are “back to square one times” in the the constantly unfolding creative process called life. They can create new realities that may usher in fresh new thoughts, feelings, habits, ways of being and relating.

If you are brittle and unyielding, the storms of life may break you. you may find the damage difficult to repair. You may get stuck without a framework for creating a new life from the wreckage of the old.

Grandmother Cottonwood

When you are flexible like the willow tree and bend with life’s high winds, you will build strength needed to weather the inevitable destructive events, earthquakes, volcanoes of life. This flexibility will help you create and invent new ways of living in your present moments.

It is time to create new life affirming ways of being, living, thinking, and relating in the world that is now.

Collective dreaming

The collective dreaming of all living creatures here creates the Earth we see and experience.

What Earth do you dream of? You can help create the world you wish to see through your dreaming and visualization, your intentions joined with the dreams of many others.

Amazing spider web

Earth’s regenerative power and potential lies in her seeds, roots, her living soil, her atmosphere, her myriad living creatures of all descriptions. It lies in the human will to live, survive, thrive and endure, the ability to envision a hopeful and healthy future.

All is in constant motion, constant change – birth, growth, blossoming, setting fruit, waxing, waning, decline, death, rebirth, growth.

All Earths creatures together are one living organism. It will not do for one part of the whole to do battle with another for that would be to declare war against oneself.

We can dream ourselves a renewed Earth, restored to balance and harmony, restored to wholeness with compassion for all.

When our Earth is in balance the web of life sustains itself.


You are still here. You who are alive , you have survived furious storms, widespread sickness, social upheaval, massive migrations of people, loss of wild places. And yet you endure. Our planet endures.

New life finds a way. Seedlings push up through the crusty soil, reaching to the sun through cracks in concrete and stone.

You too, will find a way to survive.

You deserve wholeness. You deserve healing. No matter what has happened in your life, what you have done, what you have endured you deserve to live as fully as possible. You can reclaim 100% of your inner power, your spark of divine light, your heart and will.

Monarch butterfly and wildflowers

Know this. If you are alive in a body at this moment in time you can find peace, you can learn to communicate with your wise self and get to know your heart and spirit. You can live authentically, beyond the surface roles and costume dramas of daily life. You can get to know the true core of your spirit.

Ask for help if you need it!

Examine your beliefs. No belief, no physical condition, no problem or challenge is carved in stone or cast in concrete unless you believe it to be so.

You are made of energy. Your physical being is in constant motion, constant ebb and flow. Energy obeys and follows your thoughts and beliefs! So create new kinder thoughts that will gently shift your energetic reality to what you want.

When you know this you will survive and thrive!

Message from the Goddess Isis

Align with the golden light of source.

Let yourself be changed by this light with higher healthier vibrations, greater wisdom, stronger energy and personal power, new insights into your life, less judgment about what is, a higher level of well being and flow, more room in your heart for the giving and receiving of love, a greater capacity for unconditional love.

Yellow swallowtail butterfly on wild bergamot

Become one with the light, dissolve into it, let it heal and move you.

For today, stand tall and do what source calls you to do, those activities that satisfy your soul. Your calling from spirit fits in with the great pattern of life on earth and the grand design of the universe.

You are capable of this, you are called to the work that you know as your purpose. The vibrations you offer in carrying out your purpose are required in the great symphony of life on Earth.

Bumble bee on purple coneflower

Excuses do not become you. Make up your mind, set your intention and do the work that is drawn through you!

Let your vibrations be clear, let them be strong and powerful, let them emanate from you without reserve. When this is so, you are a sun, you radiate a quiet grace, an inner power.

You doing the work you are called to do creates the future, weaves the web of life.