Let Your Love Flow

It is never too late to learn more about love. Are you are alive? You have another chance.

As a child, your parents showed and defined love for you, nurturing or neglectful, one-sided, self centered or all inclusive, empathetic or abusive, somewhere in between, good enough. Loving and kind, or not so much.

Then on your next go-round in the school of life maybe your pairings and friendships and loves as a teenager and young adult mirrored your relationship with your first family. Maybe you got stuck in a hamster wheel of unhealthy patterns again and again.

Winter Nest

Know this! Throughout life you can learn more about love. You are never too old to realize you can get unstuck from old hurtful patterns you can learn to open your heart, trust your tender being to others you want to be closer to. Your heart can thaw.

You can learn to see and feel and know the light in others. You can learn to gently dismantle any walls or barriers you’ve placed between your heart and those others you want to be closer to.

You can learn new and safe ways of opening your heart, new ways of relating to others you trust if you desire it and practice with patience, compassion, and love for yourself.

Ask for help from a trusted therapist, healer or friend if you need it.

You can dam the river of your love, or you can let it flow. Your life and feelings of love can flow like a surging stream if you trust and allow it.

At the Heart of Your Spirit

Dear friends, thank you for your patience while I paused my blog due to an illness in the family. My family member is doing well. We’re back now. Many blessings, Betty

Now, in the words of GCW:

If I could weep, I would not weep, for our Earth and her many inhabitants have survived upheaval, turmoil, danger, disease, war, plague, drought, famine, violence, death and destruction over the eons life on this planet has existed.

Beneath the fear, the terror, the hate and destruction seen in current events, beneath the profound deprivation visited upon so many families lies the spirit, untouched by death and destruction, enduring, gaining in wisdom from lifetime to lifetime. Unbreakable, unshakeable.

At the heart of your spirit lies peace.

GCW in Midwinter

At the heart of your spirit lies a loving and profound silence in which all things are possible.

At the heart of your spirit lies the unfolding of love, the love that carries us from lifetime to lifetime with joyful anticipation, that permeates the billions of living beings on Earth, that infuses the cells and DNA of all living things.

The very web of life is composed of the energy of this love. All spirits are joined as one in this magnificent web.

When times are difficult, when you feel fear, when all you’ve known is breaking apart, tune into your spirit for the wide angle view. Like a soaring bird, your spirit will help you rise up and see your life, your family, your community, the events of the day from 1000 feet up.

When you are able to gain this spirit perspective you can feel the temporariness of fearful and dangerous events, the immensity of peace and love surrounding and permeating this world, this universe.

Love endures. Spirit endures.

Time for a pause

Dear friends, due to a family health crisis (non covid related) Grandmother Cottonwood will go on pause for awhile. There won’t be any new posts for an unknown period of time.

In the meantime, please enjoy some of GCW’s older offerings from our archives. Thank you for your kind attention and support throughout the past several years. Dear readers, you are much appreciated!

When we’re ready to come back, I’ll let you know.

Best wishes, Betty

The view from GCW’s stump

It is Time!

You who are alive at this moment in time, those who are called to live here upon this Earth – You are needed now more than ever to be at the top of your game, to keep yourself clear of emotional clutter and baggage, to be clear and open channels for spirit for the specific gifts and talents you bring to this place and time, the home your spirit has chosen for you.

All who can, this is the time to stand tall in the light of the divine. This is the time to root deeply to our home, the Earth.

Grandmother Cottonwood

This is the time to hold your ground, maintain your light, keep yourselves attuned to the frequencies of life. This is the time to know your truth and live by it.

This is the time to love and cherish every breath, every beat of your heart. This is the time to access the power deep within yourself. This is the time to open to those beloved people in your life and love them with your whole heart, leaving judgment behind.

This life of the spirit is a mystery. There is no beginning, no end. While your spirit inhabits your body, there is only the river of now in which you have the power to act.

Grandmother Cottonwood

It is time to surrender to spirit’s plan for you, to cease any dithering and get to work!

It is time to dedicate yourself to the flow of inspiration and energy that is drawn through your being and create our world anew.

Live in the present

Turn toward life by living in the present.

Do you hang onto “how things used to be”? The “better” life that was, the simpler times, the happy days. Do you long for what you think of as your “glory years”?

My glory days were those sweet summer days that went on forever, when I stood tall, towering over the sweet earth, my green and silver leaves shimmering in the breeze, shading and sheltering all beings who ventured past, accepting tree hugs from walkers and hikers…

GCW in summer

But now, I exist in a new reality. Those days are past and I am learning to let go of the life that was and embrace what is. I will never forget, but I must move on with grace.

GCW stump with painted friend, the Lorax

Do you long for days past when your parents and grandparents sang in the twilight as the fireflies came out? You have these and thousands of good memories stored like a library of movie disks in your mind.

You can pull up the pictures, the memories and remember with fondness your grandparents home, the petunias in the window box, the pot belly stove in winter, the fragrance of lilacs, the soft fur of your tiny kitten… you can bring up any picture or feeling that brings you joy and happiness.

But when remembering turns to longing for a time that is no more and living in the past, it will keep you from creating beautiful moments in the here and now. It will distract you from your present moments that are to be lived fully, savored, and treasured.

Turn toward the true power of your life – your intention and action in the present moment. You thrive when living fully absorbed in this moment and the next and the next. These often mundane moments are your true life!

Embrace your reality, the truth of your present moment. And live fully!

More about weeds

Invasive weeds are those that have escaped from their natural habitat and run rampant through the landscape like an invading army. They often take over those more delicate and sensitive plants, those inclined to live in harmony and balance with their neighbors.

Invasive weeds might form mono-cultures where much native vegetation is wiped out, nuance and balance destroyed, diversity and variety steamrolled, communities of living beings ruined.

They take over. They replace, they bully and subdue. To remove them, you must dig the deepest roots, tease them out of soil, and remain vigilant. One missed root can grow in the dark out of sight until it gains strength again, finally sending out more and more shoots and roots.

Encourage those native plants you wish to grow by strengthening them, providing the conditions they need to thrive.

Creeping Bellflower -beautiful but invasive

Just as invasive weeds can take over a field, a garden, a pasture, a flower bed, invasive thoughts and beliefs can root deeply into the brain, shutting down the assimilation of new information, burrowing into all areas of life, infecting, destroying nuance, new ideas, novel thoughts, creating a one-track mind, a mind that thinks in black and white, that is closed to growth.

Thoughts that served you well as a child, passed down from your family lineage may be harmful or hold you back now that you are an adult and can think for yourself.

These invasive and harmful beliefs and thoughts can be identified and questioned then rooted out with love and patience. Gently tease them out by the roots. Shine a light on them in the spirit of healing and growth.

Be vigilant my friends. Examine your minds and hearts for invasive recurring thoughts, anxieties, and beliefs that keep you stuck and your life small. Strengthen and encourage new thoughts that lift you and others up, that encourage your heart to expand with love, that help you live fully as you are meant to.

With time and patience you can bring to light and remove harmful invaders and strengthen that which you want to grow in your life.

More about Potential

There is great potential here on this planet!

Your thoughts, words, actions, and beliefs have very real consequences and effects that will manifest in your life in some way. This is power! Use it wisely!

When you emanate fear, fear returns to you. It is all you see. When you radiate love, love is reflected back to you. Your life is rich in love. When you hate and seek to tear down and destroy others, this energy will return to you in some way. You will feel the harmful effects.

Pay attention to the energy you put out into the world.

Cottonwood seed pods

When anyone is left behind or treated as less than others, less deserving, other, unworthy, this energy reverberates through the web of life and diminishes those who do the diminishing.

When you plant seeds of harmony with your eyes open, your ears unstopped, your heart tuned to love, harmony will be restored to the web of life. This means to you and your family. It means every living being will benefit from your integrity.

You have the potential to heal, to harm, to tear or to restore. Every thought, word and action of yours has significance in the world you wish to create for yourself and all others.

Beautiful spider web

Your thoughts, words, and actions are filaments in the web of life. You weave the web thread by thread.

Potential in the web of life

From my vantage point there is amazing potential here on our sweet green planet.

There is vast potential for all beings to thrive, for all to live in harmony, for a renewal of the web of life, once again finding our home the Earth and her groves, her rivers, valleys, mountains, plains, and deserts, her frozen regions, all her various creatures to be sacred and treated accordingly.

Monarch butterfly and wildflowers

There is great potential for all beings to live in balance. When there is balance and harmony in the web of life, all beings are interconnected on the level of spirit. When this is so, all thrive together.

When I speak of “all” beings, I mean your family, not just distant or abstract concepts or foreign species. All beings include those you know and love, those you cherish, those you hold in your heart, those for whom you desire a good life and happiness and prosperity.

All beings include you and your beloved pets, your grandchildren, you and the gardens you plant, the trees that shelter you, the plants and animals you eat for food, the insects that pollinate your food and make honey, the coffee trees, the banana plantations… the people that do the work of harvesting and processing the food…

Newborn baby

Your beloved ones and those you depend on cannot be separated from all other living beings in the web of life.

The web of life is one fabric! We thrive together or decline together.

Seeking the Spirit

You might try to find me in that place I called home for so long. You could sit on my stump and try to locate my spirit.

Just as you might seek a deceased loved one again in their favorite chair, just around a corner, or puttering in the garden, you will no longer see or touch my physical presence.

We spirits of the deceased are no longer limited by life in physical form, by illness, emotional pain, sorrow, grief, fear, natural disasters, roots that hold us to one place, to weather that breaks branches and uproots, the freezing cold, or wilting heat.

Grandmother Cottonwood last year

Time space and distance no longer limit beings that have passed into spirit form.

Those who cross to the light slowly acclimate to the freedom and flow, the lightness of being, the life of the spirit. This is our new dimension of existence.

We can communicate with you. We can give and receive messages in various forms. We are with you. We love and care for you. Please ask for a sign, a message, a feeling, a word, a dream or image from us so you will know our presence.

Flying red wing black bird

Once again I understand that all living beings originate in spirit. We choose to manifest in our various forms in physical existence. We live out our precious earthbound lives, be they long or short. We die, leave our bodies behind and rise up once again as spirit, indestructible, resilient, immune to all ills.

We spirits exist with expanded awareness, expanded compassion, expanded joy, expanded love.

Even though you do not see us, we are everywhere. Call on us.

Take a Memory Tour

Dear ones, are you confined, quarantined right now? Only your body is required to be at home.

Use your senses to take a tour of your favorite places in your imagination. In this way, you can take a virtual visit to your family members, remember the loved places you knew as a child, to go back in time, or visit the future.

In your mind’s eye find yourself at the place of your choosing. See the details as you approach your Grandparents’ home once more, or that small lake cottage, the town you grew up in… your childhood friends in their homes… the life you want to live when the pandemic has died down…

Here we’ve chosen a tour of Betty’s Grandpa and Grandma’s farm to get you started.

Now I approach my Grandparents’ house from so long ago, letting the details emerge… The flower boxes, colorful and spicy scented petunias, the deeply colored coleus, asphalt siding meant to look like bricks, large trees shading lush uncut grass, wildflowers along the dusty gravel road, old red barn and outbuildings with white trim… the metal pump with the cold smooth handle…

Now I call up and feel once again the texture of the gravel lane under my feet, the worn paint and sharp snap of the screen door as it closes, the heat and glow and wood-burning smell of the pot belly stove, the beloved old dog with her doggy scent and thick fur greeting you with smiles, her wet doggy kisses… Grandma’s bottle green tightly woven upholstery in the living room,

The heavenly scent and taste of thick milk gravy on beef, the sweet-tart and delicious raspberry pie, steaming from the oven, the canned peaches floating in their cream colored bowls with lavender and blue pine cone decoration…Fire crackling in the stove, the voices of those loved ones now gone, Grandpa’s aftershave…

Coyotes yipping after dark beyond the hills, hens clucking, streams of milk hitting the bucket at milking time, the sweet smells of cow manure and fresh hay, the milk separator whirring, the cream can filling…

Cars crunching on gravel, dust flying up behind them, shared songs at dusk on the front porch, simple harmonica tunes, voices joining together in familiar tunes, wooden floors creaking at bedtime….

Taking a memory tour is another way for you to spend an hour or two during this stay at home time – You can call up those sensory details of seeing, touching, hearing, tasting, and smelling that help you remember the beautiful places the people and times of your life.

Find your own memories, take a turn around the places you loved, going slowly, letting the details emerge. Revisit your children, friends, or grandchildren if you can’t see them right now.

You can also tour your future and re-imagine what your life can be, what you want it to be when you are able to move freely once again.

A memory tour will help you remember the preciousness and beauty of life here on our beloved planet.