Have you been called?

So many are called now on this earth to hold sacred space, to be channels of light, to see, know and feel the immense beauty, goodness and peace that is the ground and foundation of all being.


Bird nest over sunlit stream

So many are needed now to root deeply to the sacred soil of mother earth, to grow into the light and know their belonging on this planet, and to communicate this to others.

If you have been called, you may get started now!

What you focus on grows, my dears. Have you not realized this yet?

Try this experiment in your daily life. Clear your thoughts and think of those things you love, your joyful memories, your most heartfelt plans. Resolve to be happy! See how you feel, see how more thoughts of joy come in. Keep this up. The more joyful you are, the more light you shine. You are worth it! You do not have to feel bad!

Now try an hour of watching the news where people scream and argue, interrupt, where they are rude and unpleasant to each other… Try this, but not for too long, for it breeds fear, worry, doubt and anxiety.

After this pay attention. Do your thoughts spiral downward and attract more negativity? Is this the legacy you wish to leave the web of all creation? For your thoughts and feelings become your creation.

Have you been called to be the light for yourself and others? Focus on that, move toward that, and your clarity will reweave and repair the web of creation. You will help rebuild the dark and weakened fibers of fear and doubt.

Do not underestimate your power to create the world you wish to see before you.