Dive into life!

Have you seen a picture of the ancient Etruscan tomb painting depicting a young man diving gracefully into deep water – from this life into the next? He dives confidently into the unknown.  (see it here)

When you live fully you must also dive without reservation into the life that is called through you.  Dive into deep unknown waters of your life, and trust the flow.  Perhaps you choose to stay on the riverbank and watch the water go past, wishing you had the courage to enter the powerful current.

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Deep fast moving water

If this is so, you can line up your courage!  See and feel yourself in your mind’s eye – your body, ready and confident, your balance and posture before the leap, your feet leaving the board or bank, your body slicing gracefully through the water, going deep, then surfacing, taking a deep breath, and swimming easily, letting the current guide and move you forward.

When you choose to face the unknown future and dive into life, you must attune yourself to Source with 100% of your heart, will, and power. In this way you face the unknown with grace, courage, flexibility and spiritual guidance that will never let you down!

Just as the summer swimmers practice again and again, and amuse themselves with tricks, stunts, and huge splashes, you too will get comfortable with the leap into life’s next adventure. Line up your spirit with resolution and dive fully into life with a trusting heart!