The River of life

Do you flow with the river of life, dear one?  Or has a traumatic event beached you on a sandbar, taken you out of the main channel?


Swimming geese

You and all living creatures are meant to move with the current, allowing the pull of the stream to float you effortlessly through many landscapes, the rapids, deep pools, the shallows, the floods, the white water…the many moods of the river.

If you have run aground and your life is on hold or feels like it is moving on without your full presence, please find someone who can help you gradually attune yourself to the flow, to rejoin and reclaim your life.

When you reclaim your life and heal, you send ripples health and wholeness through the web of all things, and all are uplifted by your intention and courage.

When you reclaim your life, you reclaim your power, your sparkle, your inner fire, for you were meant to live fully – feeling your feelings, fully embodied, breathing deeply of the life you desire, one with the river.