Afraid of getting close


E of central Iowa asks:

Dear GCW, I want several close friends but I’m afraid getting close will cause me to lose part of myself. I feel split in two.

Do you feel you must choose between having a personality and being alone?

You were boxed in and controlled as a child. Other people represented a threat to your spirit, so you had to hide your true self deep within and protect the soft heart and soul, the sweet tender bud of you.

You still keep yourself apart for fear others will steal your soul, but you and you alone are in command of your soul and your life energies! My dear beloved, you are no longer a dependent child. You no longer need to pull in and shield your uniqueness, your true light, your wise self from others who misunderstand you. You’ve been given a body, free will, and you are a soul that will endure beyond the boundaries of time and space. You can learn this now, or in another lifetime. My beloved one, which do you choose?

Hiding your light from others for fear of theft or attack has become a bad habit you first learned as a child for self protection. It is time to reclaim your power to be do and have all you desire, all you are, to live with your dial turned to the highest setting possible! Joy!

Know that you are the captain of your ship now! You too can be fully yourself, surrounded by friends who love you just as you are!

Resolutions for change


GCW speaks of “resolutions” for change:

It is the time of year to turn inward, reflect, recalibrate, and rethink. Is your life unfolding in a pleasing way? Are you happy? Do you need and want change but fear you can’t make it happen? My dear, change begins within the silent secret recesses of your soul. Allow yourself to access this sacred place within, the inner sanctuary where your spirit dwells.

What does your soul (not your brain that over-thinks, worries, and doesn’t know squat) desire for you – for this precious and fleeting lifetime? It is not too late, never too late to focus the best of yourself on this task. Let your words, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions all be in agreement with your most heartfelt desires. It is that simple! Align all of your energy with your desires. Live your life. Repeat!

Be gentle, kind, and a friend to yourself as you learn this new way of living. You are in control, you are the boss. You set the tone of your life, and this tone is what you will see and feel reflected back to you in this dear sweet life you’ve been given.

The earth beneath your feet

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GCW speaks of the Earth beneath your feet

My dearest, do you pause to think about the foundation of your physical existence, the earth beneath your feet? It is supporting us, giving us a home that meets our needs, supplying all we desire even beyond the needs of the body.

This earth, constructed of metal, stone, bedrock, particles of soil, the organic matter of years past, the atmosphere that mirrors your own auras; this you are freely given. It is yours to care for and make a home. Do you know the opportunity you have before you, to be in this place at this time, to be focused in a body on this magnificent earth, this priceless gift?

Are you open to the deeper meaning of your existence? You are not just here to have children, make money, buy things, and die. You are here to fulfill your soul’s deep need for satisfaction and wholeness. The earth supports your growth and the evolution of your soul.

You will continue to have chances to carry out the inspirations you have ignored in the past. Now is the time to allow them to carry you forward and create the beautiful, joyful life you came here to live.

You are beloved! More and more you are beginning to know you are more than your bodies. More and more you know that your life is not about acquiring more stuff. More and more you follow the guidance of source that is your lifeline and your constant companion. More and more will your earth and all creatures who inhabit our sweet green earth be blessed.

Expand or contract?


GCW speaks of expansion and contraction:

It has come to my attention that your human hearts, the center of your brilliant selves can expand or contract, depending on the fear or joy you feel. The joyful loving heart fully expanded can encompass the universe and all its inhabitants with light.

Do not think you are insignificant! Do not think your feelings, your transmissions of emotion have no effect, for each of you sends powerful signals to all that is, the the web of all things. Emotion and feeling are the messages. All particles in the universe are affected by you!

Do you wish you hadn’t read that? You can’t go back to pretending you are powerless; you can only move forward with the knowledge that you are a being of light, that you matter, that your existence is meant to be. Step up and claim your power!

When you close your heart to this knowledge and squeeze off the muscles of your chest, cave your shoulders in around your center, shut off your feelings, wall in your energy, you inhibit the flow of your natural joy! You contract and subtract from the sum total of well being available to you and those whose lives you touch and outward into the great web. Perhaps if this becomes a habit, your heart has no choice but disease and decay.

Heal those breeches, tears and blocks in your energy. Turn inward and notice what is happening within you. Healing is possible. Reach out and ask for help so that you too may feel the expansion of love and joy and power throughout your being and have it mirrored back to you ten fold.

You too are a shining star at your core. Allow yourself to know it, feel it, and live it!

Gift giving

2015-11-28 17.40.30 - CopyGCW speaks of gifts

This season you bless each other so sweetly with your loving presence, the heady evergreen scents you bring into your homes, your thoughtful gifts, the special food. When your gift is freely and lovingly given, when nothing is expected in return, when heart to heart regard is exchanged, all are truly blessed – both giver and receiver.

When giving a gift becomes or feels like an obligation, a duty, when your mind is involved and injects worry, doubt, fear, aggravation, frustrations, upset, unhappiness, give it up! Let that ritual go if it is giving you a bad feeling. It is no longer serving you!

Create and invent your own rituals and start new traditions that make you happy! Don’t read the glossy newspaper ads to find out what makes you happy! It is not your job to single-handedly support the entire economy of this nation through your holiday shopping! Tune into your heart! Your one heart is wiser than a university full of big brains!

Do what makes you smile this season! Do what lights you up! Do what brings you joy!

An old cliche

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Milkweed blossoms

GCW speaks of an old cliché: “Bloom where you are planted”.

That is the motto of all good plants and rooted things, but for people? Bloom and go where you are called? Then bloom there too?

You have been planted here on the green planet, Earth.  Make the most of your circumstances, let life unfold from your center outward, for it is within your heart that all blooming begins. Your heart, the deep center of you is connected to all that is and if you listen to her quiet messages, you will be steered effortlessly toward your highest good.

So many things pull you away from your true center and heart, the embedded bud of growth within you; sugar, in thousands of tempting disguises, shiny objects, moving pictures on a blinking screen, drinks that inhibit your light, drugs that dim your brilliance, worries that swim and flit in your brain like a school of fish.

My beloved, you are capable of being the light, of transcending those whirlwind thoughts, of gently letting go of those distractions that sap your growth and wilt your blossoms. You have the power to put into perspective those emotions you are afraid will engulf and drown you. You can release the fear, you can let that energy flow harmlessly and release it once and for all! You need not live in fear! Ask for help if it feels too big. No-one on this planet is meant to exist in isolation or live in the dark.

Can you see yourself from a tree’s eye view, a newer, higher, loving and understanding perspective where the entire tapestry and web of existence is visible and your energy is integral to the structure of the weave?

Above all, see yourself with compassion and know you are meant to be here now in all your brilliance. Rooting and growing and blooming with ease and delight is your birthright! Claim and become that! Yes, it is possible for you!



GCW Speaks of the weather:

I have noticed how humans love to comment on the weather. It is not often good enough for you is it? It is too cold, too hot, too wet, too dry, too humid, too windy, too much, not enough.

Can you simply bless each day as it comes to you? Do you know what a blessing each day of this life is? Can you feel the power of the meaning of you in this body in this place at this time? You have chosen to manifest as a physical presence here on this earth! This is an honor to be cherished and acknowledged….but I digress into a speech….

Can you bless even the coldest windiest day of the year? Can you feel joy within you during an overcast week, or is the cloud cover a mirror of your human atmosphere? Have you allowed the clouds of fear and stuffed feelings to accumulate in your energy field until they block your light? Do you clear them? Crying, like rain, can clear and air. Let clearing be your daily practice, for your health and the health of the planet. Simply feel, as you were born to do. Allow yourself to feel. Acknowledge your feelings and locate them in your body, and this will help to clear them.

Hurt no other in this process, for violence of thought word or action is a gross misuse of nature.

What is emotion but energy; like wind and breeze it needs to flow and move. If you stop it up the layers of cloud get thicker and thicker. You may feel a storm coming on. You may feel restless, unhappy, sad confused, anger may build within you if you squeeze and hold back and stifle and pretend it is not what it really is.

You are meant to clear the clouds daily and shine brightly like the sun! Create your own weather! Let it flow and all the earth will be blessed.


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GCW speaks of the ancestors

Do not be alarmed. Your ancestors who have passed on to the light, are with you now, even those from before history was recorded. Does your room feel crowded?

They wish you, embodied in a physical presence, with feet on the earth, the best. They are indestructible spirits (as you are) that continue to learn, grow, that are mightily interested in the unfolding your your lives.

You may feel their loving presence at time when you allow yourself to release human constructed ideas about what is and isn’t real. Get over that! You limit your brains to the concrete physical world and you miss the infinitely wider spectrum of possibilities and relationships and inspirations and love that will flow easily to you. That happens only if you allow it by releasing your grip on the “real” every now and then.

So much is possible! These spirits are not cold scary aloof beings and ghosts, but warm loving and caring helpers! They who have lived in a physical existence time and time again, have made mistakes and experienced fear, but also great love, these ancestors have much to teach us. They desire to assist as you create your loving home, the nurturing safe and beautiful places for all who dwell on this plant.

You are supported, loved and guided by these spirits of light who beam with passion and joy as they witness the unfolding of your lives.

Christmas tree farm

2015-11-28 12.30.21GCW speaks of a Christmas tree farm. (with guest help from evergreen tree spirits)

This farm is such a place of beauty and serenity. We are a community with trees of different ages, shapes, sizes, colors, and varieties of evergreen so beautifully kept and nurtured for your human delight and enjoyment. You beautify this corner of the earth through your farming, and you spread the joy for miles around. This is a sacred place.

We (evergreen tree spirits) bless you with our heady scent, the texture and beauty of our green leaves, thin and short, long and soft, the sticky sweet sap, the sharing of your holiday season.

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You bring us into your home and we bring you joy! Human tree interactions at their best! Our greenery decorates and freshens your spaces, giving you hope in the cold, dark and gray time, when most green things have died or gone to sleep. You are welcome!

We love you! Even when you come and cut us down, another of your kind will plant seedlings next year to continue the cycle of yearly blessings. You make a fuss for us. You bring more of us to life on this farm than would grow naturally. We are given more chances to feel the sun and rain, the cold winter winds, to witness the lightning in summer, to feel the thunder, to know the earth supporting our roots and pulling them toward her loving center, to be fed by the rains, to sense the wheeling hawk and vulture above, to support nests for lively songbirds, to shelter the little furry ones that come and make their home here among us. This life on earth is precious and not to be missed!

Remember the earth in which we grow and receive our sustenance. Give us back to the earth when you are finished with your holiday, and we will feed next year’s growth.



GCW speaks of focus:

All of your being- mind, body, spirit, and heart is concentrated in this moment. That is focus. With focus you are doing one thing. ONE THING. You and the one thing become one and form a unified field. Whatever you are doing – writing, playing a new piece on the piano, knitting a sweater, raking leaves, conversing with your beloved grandchild, washing the floor, the entire beingness that is you is doing only that. “Multitasking” as you humans call it, is for those who with to diminish their power and effectiveness.

With focus you become like a column or beam of light. All other thoughts, actions, words leave your mind as you do what you have been created to do; be fully present here and now in this moment. Your full attention is required to do your best work and live your lives fully!

Do you find it difficult or nerve wracking to pull yourself together and let go of those extra thoughts and ideas and sudden feelings that distract you from the very power you came here to express? The oneness of purpose that is required to keep your focus?

Practice! For only you have access to the power of your physical being. Take it slowly, put down the shiny thing in your hand, unplug your ears from the music player, bring your scattered self into your heart center where all is one; where your true power resides

Now, focus on the one thing you’ve chosen. It could be your breath, a new song to learn, enjoying your child’s beauty and perfection, an intricate knitting pattern you want to learn, a round of yoga poses- the list is infinite, as you are.

This is a paradox. Learn to focus your awareness in the here and now and feel your life expand into new dimensions!